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Viewpoints: Glendalough Cathedral

Larry Payne

The Glendalough Cathedral, Monastery, and Cemetery have marked sacred ground in County Wicklow, Ireland for more than 1400 years. In a time of great upheaval, St. Kevin brought the witness of Christ to this area of Ireland. Through many centuries of change, invasions, turmoil, and faith the distinct Celtic ideal of the Christian faith has brought insight and hope. When Jan and I visited we were struck by the power of the Celtic Cross, bringing together Christ and the world in a dynamic energy. Though not a place of active worship now, it thrives with a witness of devotion as tall as the 100 foot Round Tower built 1000 years ago.

Celtic theologian Dr. John Philip Newell writes, “In celtic wisdom the sacred is as present on earth as it is in heaven, as immanent as it is transcendent, as human as it is divine, as physical as it is spiritual. The sacred can be breathed in, tasted, touched, heard, and seen as much in the body of the earh tna d the body of another living being as in the body of religion. It is the true essence of all life.” His powerful book, Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul is a renewal of ancient faith and modern life that Jan and I have enjoyed.

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