The bold claim, “God intervened to save President Trump,” appeared this week. The reference is to the wounding of the former president at the rally in Pennsylvania by Thomas Crooks. He fired eight shots, missing Trump’s head by one inch, killing a bystander, and wounding two others.
This claim is nonsense. The logic unravels quickly. If God wanted to intervene and save Trump’s life, why not stop the gunman before he fired, or to spare the other three casualties, or make the gun misfire? Further, do we really believe God suspended the laws of physics to change the trajectory of the bullet in the 0.9 seconds of its flight, or nudged the shooter’s arm to change his aim? Ethically, if God choose to spare Trump, then it means that God choose to kill the man nearby, a fine community member and family leader, and wound two others. No!
Process Theology holds a better truth. We should take seriously the words of Jesus that “God is Spirit,” not a magician. God doesn’t or can’t suspend the laws of nature. “God is Love,” according to Jesus, and Love is essentially non-coercive, not forcing anyone to do any action. God without doubt sought many times to change the conscience of that young man, to fill bystanders with compassion to aid the wounded, and perhaps even awaken the nation to the terrible consequences of lies, hate, and polarization that have filled our society. Is God intervening? Absolutely, every moment, for a better world, with no universe-altering “miracle” needed. The real miracle is for us to listen and follow the Love of God.
(Photo by T Doucette on unsplash.com)