Someone has said, "It's not how many times you get knocked down; it's how many times you get up." The quality of resilience is recognized by everyone as crucial for success. When we conclude the story of Noah, we find a man with a resilient faith.
In Genesis 9:20-28 we read of Ham, who commits a grievous sin against his family. (Many scholars think it was an sexual assault on Noah's wife to wrest control of the family from Noah.) God instructs Noah to pronounce a curse on the clan of Ham. Think of that for a moment. It must have been the darkest day of Noah's life as he spoke in obedience to God but turning away from his son. With his father's heart in agony, he yet stayed true to the God who had delivered him from the flood. The faith that built an altar after the flood was not just for show. It was a dynamic reality that carried him through another crisis.
Each of us will get knocked down on our journey with God. A resilient faith keeps trusting God and the hopes of faith, rising once more to take even a small step forward. Through such faithful people God builds His kingdom. Don't give up. Stand up and grasp the hand of the Spirit to move forward.