Support on your Journey
to Well-being
With Larry Payne, D.Min., LPC
Tracks for the Journey 2023
The pages of our 2023 calendar have been filed away with the scribbled notes, stars for important events, and maybe some doodles of the boring hours. Each mark is a small snapshot of what our life experienced. The days will never be repeated. But they can be recalled, reflected upon, and reinterpreted for what lies ahead. This small book is a part of that wonderful process for growth in wellness.
Larry writes to each reader, “The journey through the year of our Lord, 2023, held highs and lows for all of us. In our human pilgrimage that is the norm. This volume offers sixteen snapshots of spiritual life, relationships, and adventures taken along the journey. I offer these essays in the hope some wisdom might help you on the quest for well-being.”
Each chapter grows from an episode of the Tracks for the Journey Network presented on video, audio, or blog. Chapters in Tracks for the Journey 2023 include: Clay Pot Parents, Finding Me, Finding a Climate Comfort Zone, My Bad and God’s Good, Myths of Christian Nationalism, Affirming Transgender Care, Crazy Mercy, And More…
Tracks for the Journey 2022
The Tracks for the Journey podcast has one goal: your well-being! Gathering insights from progressive Christian theology, psychology, history, and science, the episodes explored important topics during 2021. The year was tumultuous for American society and the years ahead promise even more challenge. The essays here, adapted from the podcast, can give some helps in your journey of life.
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Tracks for the Journey 2021
Tracks for the Journey 2021 presents 22 chapters to improve your well-being! Author Larry Payne brings practical insight and inspiration from progressive Christian spirituality, psychology, history, and science developed from his decades of Christian ministry. The chapters adapt the transcripts from episodes of the Tracks for the Journey podcast presented in 2021, with updates and additional resources. This material will challenge your ideas and give insights for growth!
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Tracks for the Journey 2020
Tracks for the Journey 2020 presents 16 essays to improve your well-being with practical insight and inspiration from progressive Christian spirituality, psychology, culture and science. The essays adapt the transcripts from episodes of the Tracks for the Journey podcast during 2020, with updates and additional resources. This material will challenge your ideas and give insights for growth!
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Journey to Friendship
A novice minister and his wife discover the challenges of church vocation, the intrigues of starting a family, and the joys of building faith in this light-hearted memoir. Set in 1976, America’s tumultuous Bicentennial year, the easy-to-read story follows the young couple growing up in the late 1960’s and early 1970’s, embarking on newlywed adventures and launching careers in education and church leadership. The author unfolds a journey of both miles and meaning that spans the Midwestern towns of Joplin (MO), Shawnee (OK), Ft. Worth, (TX), Friendship (WI) and Beaver (OK). His story of self-discovery offers readers an enjoyable retrospective on a special era in America, as well as insight on the work of God through every age.
Amazon Kindle ebook or paperback